Sr. Esther Jeruto Koros (OSF) And here comes the tale of three avaricious men Bonded in blood, bold in the ways of the world. Knowledgeable, capable yet untenable! Each outdoing themselves, in pursuit of the wind So they wallowed in discontent. For they knew not the brevity of their breath, And oblivious of the dangers of excesses For they knew not wherein to halt. And so the elder brother, least gullible Like a dragnet, got drawn to the housing trade Buying and selling, building and rebuilding. At a point of no return, This like a prayer Was his wife and child and heaven and hell His lovely prison! He died wealthy For he knew not wherein to halt. The second like the first held a bottle. From it, he tasted the delight of his life; Saccharine, irresistible ravishing. Gave him an immense culinary gratification Upon his fill, emerged an irascible human; Intrepid, valiant, audacious. In a bout of rum, he drunk himself to...