By. Sr. Esther Jeruto Koros (OSF) Remember when you came here raging mad about my mother? How she had too many children, her bank accounts clean like a whistle? How the children’s feet were cracked white from dirt. And I was silent, Yes, I had answers in my head, ones I didn’t want to say. For aren’t I one of those many children? I remember too, the priest in church, How he spoke until snort and saliva poured out the edges of his lips. Asking us to give and give and give….. And I was silent, Yes, I had answers in my head, ones I didn’t want to say. For I recalled how he rushed my aunt’s funeral coz she died poor, giving. I remember too, growing up, shy and timid and feeling stupid, How you looked at me and wondered how I survived my infancy. Since I was too tiny and frail. And I was silent, Yes, I had answers in my head, ones I didn’t want to say. For I am still here strong and intelligent and way better than you thought. ...