Jewish Irony

By Sr. Esther Jeruto Koros OSF From Aden, the magnificence of God’s presence The epitome of perfection, wherein flowed an abundance of grace Just until a sly serpent, to the human pride appealed. Oh! mighty fall, turning a deaf ear to a voice so clear. Naked of grace, susceptible to evil, such unworthiness. God not relenting loves him still, calls out from himself, To redeem his beloved, in whose image he’d made. ‘Whom shall I send to cleanse the gory, back to glory?’ An eager voice, in submissive obedience, hastens; ‘Send Me!’ The Son’s voice, heeded. And thus! The redemptive journey: Corrupt humanity, God distraught, flooded all save for Noah; Virtuous Abraham caught Yahweh’s eye, In Faith his only son not clinging; Isaac, Such a test! Earned himself a myriad of descendants; the gain in loss. Yet still, the journey was maiden. Amongst his descend: a litany of imperfection, Such perfect flaws. Deceit of identity ...