When Africa writes, she tells her untold story When Africa writes, albeit in borrowed tongues When Africa writes, she pours and drips and unearths When Africa writes, she begins to heal her wounds When Africa writes, it is not the luxury of just another book. When Africa writes, she claims justice for herself From the cruel injustice of a single story. 2. When Africa writes, she tells her untold story She will make a change to ‘the old truths’ That once fed and overfed history She will cool the sweltering on the forehead That wants to say, ‘it is not true. When Africa writes, she claims justice for herself From the cruel injustice of a single story. 3. When Africa writes, she tells her untold story Unveiling the mantle of old glory, held in white hands She will feed the fat strands of ignorance With the thin sieved knowledge Like an infant whose pain is yet to be deciphered ...